check guarantee
Here you will find everything you need to know about Check Guarantee, if you need more help please contact us.
Check guarantee is insurance for your business. It assures your company gets paid on any check that is returned unpaid from your bank. UTA assumes the full risk of the guaranteed check and ensures that you will be paid 100% of the face value of that check.
When a check is returned, you are exposed to a significant loss of time, money and resources through bank fees, collection frustrations and wasted man-hours. Having a check guarantee service will enable you to accept checks from virtually any customer and never have a worry. You will have UTA's guarantee that if the check you accept is dishonored, for any reason, you will be covered and as a result not suffer a financial loss.
Setting up service with United TranzActions is quick and easy. It can be done within 24 hours.
UTA will work with you and will get involved immediately to handle all of the details of the transition to our service. The process is easy and seamless.
Yes. UTA offers discounted rates for groups, associations, marketing organizations and large corporations.
Yes. UTA is the only company that offers flexibility with all of our programs as well as customizing a program to fit your specific business needs. We will continually work with you to make sure you are realizing all of the benefits UTA has to offer.
Immediately. Simply contact our sales department at 800-858-5256 and we can get you a quote right away.
Yes, there is training involved to start using our service. The training is very simple and we can do it a number of ways. We can train each person individually, in a group, WebEx or on a conference call. The training takes a few minutes and you decide how you would like it done.
UTA supports virtually all types of point of sale equipment for check payment processing including the internet using our secure website.
UTA accepts personal and business checks drawn on any U.S or Canadian bank.
Yes. UTA offers full collection services to all of our merchants.
our products
Check Guarantee
Eliminates the risk of fraudulent checks and collection headaches.
Credit Card
Providing innovation and technology that optimizes your credit card acceptance program.
ACH Payment
Enables you to accept payments from your customer’s bank account quickly, safely in a secure internet environment.
Online Bill Pay
Empower your company to accept ACH or Credit Card customer initiated payments on your website.
Remote Deposit Capture
Scan your checks for instant bank deposits, with no returns.
Mobile Deposit
Guarantee and deposit your company’s payments anytime, anywhere, 24/7 with UTA’s Mobile Deposit solution.